
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Puffed Rice Sweet Balls - Kurmura/Murmura Ladoo

This is one of the simplest recipes which takes me right back to childhood. I remember these puffed rice sweet balls that I used to love as a little girl. My mom made these often and it was a delicious treat that I used to look forward to. Now that I have a little girl, I thought this would be the perfect recipe to make with her. And was I right! Both of us had a marvelous time measuring out the ingredients and mixing them together. She enjoyed eating these treats as I rolled them out. This is a recipe that can make any day seem special. You can use this recipe to spend a nice time mixing things, getting messy, tasting as you eat and just having a lot of great fun. I hope you and your kids enjoy this recipe, just as much I did as a child and now do as a mom. Dedicated to my dear mom on Mother's day. Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful moms out there.

1 tsp ghee/ clarified butter
1 cup jaggery, grated or cut fine
3 cups puffed rice/kurmura/murmura
2 tbsp dal/dalia (roasted chana/gram dal)
3 tbsp peanuts, unsalted

Heat the ghee in a pan, then add the jaggery and let it melt. Once, the jaggery starts becoming frothy, turn off the heat. Add the puffed rice (kurmura), peanuts and dal and mix it all together. Let it cool so that it's easy to handle. Then take a fistfull of this mixture and roll it into balls. (Caution: The mixuture gets very hot, so make sure you let it cool a but before rolling it into balls.) The mixture cools down rapidly and you may not be able to roll all of it into balls. If you are unable to roll it into balls before it cools down completely, then eat the sweet puffed rice as is.

Coat your hands with a little bit of ghee so that the puffed rice mixture doesn't stick to your hand. The mixture will not roll into balls once it cools down completely.

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